For over 6 years, we have helped tens of thousands of students and graduates to successfully start their consulting career. During our mission, we always work on improving our offers and material for your case interview preparation. Filling the gap of lacking practice material for Oliver Wyman's Numerical Reasoning Test, we designed challenging tests that are perfectly structured in order to optimize your test performance. The additional support of ourexpert network of over 200 former consultants with more than 1,200 years of work experience and over 4,000 case interview coachings in total allows us to ensure the quality of this prep material.
All PrepLounge Offers at One Glance – A Level of Preparation You Won’t Find Anywhere Else
Here you can find the perfect offer for your interview situation. Have a look at preparation material specifically tailored for you to improve your overall test and interview performance. We recommend you to always combine your preparation with a full community access and regular interview training via our Premium Membership!
Is this product the right choice for you?
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Get a short overview of the practice test, the instructions and rules you will face during Oliver Wyman‘s Numerical Reasoning Test.
Page 2-9
30 multiple-choice questions
Working with a team of experienced Oliver Wyman consultants, we made sure that the question types have the optimal difficulty.
Page 10
Answer sheet for your practice
In the answer sheet, you can note your answers and calculate your final points.
Page 11-17
Detailed answer key
Use the detailed explanations in the attached answer key to understand your mistakes and learn for the next practice round.