Roland Berger
Strategy Consultancy
Wien, München, Düsseldorf, Berlin +4 others
3,500 employees worldwide
Restructuring & Turnaround, Strategy, Finance, IT & Cyber, M&A, Marketing & Sales, Organization, Pricing, Process Management, Procurement, Supply Chain Management
Automotive, Energy, Finance, FMCG & Retail, Industrial Goods, Lifescience & Healthcare, Public Services, Telekommunications & Media, Transportation & Logistics
Company Cases by Roland Berger
Company case by Roland Berger
Onlinestar, an online retailer of furniture and garden products (core business), has grown significantly in recent years as a result of an expansion of its product portfolio. The company mainly imports goods from Chinese manufacturers but also operates its own production of cat lavatories (special b
Onlinestar, an online retailer of furniture and garden products (core business), has grown significantly in recent years as a result of an expansion of its product portfolio. The company mai
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Company case by Roland Berger
Sensorio Hightech GmbH is a leading manufacturer of technically advanced consumer electronics sensors based in Germany with EUR 500 m in revenues. It is a successfully growing affiliate with technically advanced consumer electronics sensors as its main business. Sensorio Hightech GmbH is looking at
Sensorio Hightech GmbH is a leading manufacturer of technically advanced consumer electronics sensors based in Germany with EUR 500 m in revenues. It is a successfully growing affiliate with
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Event with Roland Berger
Roland Berger: DEVELOP.MINT 2024
June 16th - June 18th, 2024
Application end date:
May 29th, 2024
Du hast einen MINT-Hintergrund und möchtest mehr über den Einstieg bei Roland Berger erfahren? Dann sei bei DEVELOP.MINT dabei und erlebe spannende Tage mit Roland Berger Berater:innen. Stelle dein fachliches Wissen unter Beweis, knüpfe neue Kontakte... (Read more)
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