Hi there,
I have a very typical question that might have been answered already many times. However, I am thinking of an ideal answer for my case. I have an interview at BCG coming up. I hold a PhD in Chemistry and have no industry experience. Not too familiar with the different work areas and the different philosophies of the different companies, I am interested in some ideas. For instance, it is already hard for me to see the differences of the different offices of BCG within Germany. Are there any?
So far, I am thinking of mentioning these three points: 1) All chemists I know that went to consulting, went to BCG. I know one of them better, he likes his company a lot. I like him as a person (good to hang out with). Therefore, I am convinced that BCG is the right company for me. 2) Having a strong focus on chemistry, also means that I do not have profound experience in other areas. As generalist, I can develop myself the best. 3) BCG highly encourages people with a life science background to apply. Therefore, I feel adressed.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks in advance