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Who do you need as your 'right hand'?

PrepLounge: Personal Fit
Neue Antwort am 6. Mai 2024
9 Antworten
1,8 T. Views
Anonym A fragte am 18. Sept. 2019

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

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Anonym antwortete am 15. Aug. 2020

Good question.

I always state, prior to responding, that personal fit questions are more important to the applicant than to the firm. One must always be genuine with their answers because it's critical that you work at a firm that is aligned with your own values, work style, approach to teamwork, and standards.

Personally, I would want a right hand that challenges me: (a) to think more logically and with more depth (b) to see different perspectives (c) to complement my skillsets. At the same time, I would like a person that's very positive and has an attitude of 'everything is achievable and possible' yet in a pragmatic way. Not a dreamer, but a person with a positive attitude that does not fear creative ideas.


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Anonym D bearbeitete die Antwort am 3. Jan. 2024

I will need someone open minded who likes to communicate and work in team. Having different qualities could even make our team stronger.


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Kilian antwortete am 6. Mai 2024

Brauche ich als Praktikant eine rechte Hand? Falls ja, jemanden der vor kurzem in der selben Position war wie ich und eine Art Mentoring übernehmen kann

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Anonym B antwortete am 16. Juni 2022

My best friends during my studies have been my “right hand(s)” and vice versa as we sense-check much of our perceptions and plans with each other. For instance, whenever one of us has a challenging situation in a project team, the other two will help brainstorm ways to handle the situation effectively.

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Sylvia antwortete am 11. Sept. 2021

Excel profi

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Anonym C antwortete am 26. Juli 2023

My partner

He supports my decisions, helps me thrive and take care of myself. 

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Wael antwortete am 23. Sept. 2022

A sparing partner. 

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Christopher antwortete am 16. Aug. 2022

Someone who will challenge me and I them in return. Someone who knows we have a goal to accomplish and we can work collaboratively to achieve the goal. 

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Sam antwortete am 12. Aug. 2022

My right hand is my iPhone as it contains my podcasts and audible library; both of which are integral to my working processes and relaxation. They often act as a stimulant during periods of remote working, and the diversity of podcasts I now listen to are often motivating in their own right, and also educate me on aspects of my industry and the geopolitical climate associated with it that I would otherwise remain largely ignorant of. 

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