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What is average salary increase yearly in top consulting firms?

consulting salary
New answer on Nov 10, 2023
11 Answers
33.5 k Views
Anonymous A asked on May 11, 2020

I am wondering as I am working in a boutique consulting firm and the pay rise for me last time was 5% but I had worked about more than half a year that time. What would be a standard one in the industry ?

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replied on May 11, 2020
McKinsey Senior EM & BCG Consultant | Interviewer at McK & BCG for 7 years | Coached 350+ candidates secure MBB offers


Having worked for several years at both McKinsey and BCG I can comment on these two firms.

It differs a little bit across regions. But as a general observation, at McKinsey, contrary to BCG, there is a historic structure of giving pay raises within a certain seniority level, based on performance rating. At BCG however, the salary is flat throughout a specific seniority level. So as a consequence, McKinsey pay starts a little bit lower, and then rises beyond the level of BCG. It also means that the jumps from one career level to the other are bigger at BCG. On the more senior career levels (AP/Principal and upwards), McKinsey pay structurally rises beyond BCG pay in most markets (especially driven by the part that depends on Firm performance, which was amazingly high over the last 10 years or so).

Cheers, Sidi

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Anonymous replied on May 12, 2020

Hey there,

It really depends on the firm and the region/country.

Like Sidi mentioned, BCG used to have this same pay per level structure, e.g. 1st year consultant and 2nd year consultant are paid the same salary, and only get salary increase when consultant gets promoted to Project Leader. Same for PL to Principal. During my time there, I got the same pay within the 2-year windows. However, recently BCG SEA has changed that to a year-on-year pay increase. Although the year-on-year increase in the role would be much smaller compared to the increase when you get the promotion. I know that Bain SEA has been giving year on year increments as well nowadays.

When you get promoted, in the previous pay scheme, it would be almost 50% from Associate to Senior Associate, 33% from Senior Associate to Consultant, 25% from consultant to PL, 20% from PL to Principal. The % is higher for junior roles because the base is smaller.



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replied on May 11, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Rise year-on-year isn't really there (unless they adjust everyone's salary as an explicit decision).

Salary increase is dependent on promotions (which occur every 2-4 years). Promotions generally result in a 30-60k increase (depending on role jump as well as country).

Also, not to be forgotten are yearly bonuses, which are around 15-35% of base salary - note, these are mostly gone this year due to COVID.

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Anonymous replied on May 11, 2020

Hi there,

Consulting firms don't give yearly salary increase - Consultants get a raise whenever they get a promotion. Different companies have very different career ladders and every region has different salary ranges.

In Dubai, the jump from one level to another (below project manager level) is around USD 20-30k per year. Once you hit PM, the pay raise is around 30-50k per year.

I hope this helps.



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replied on May 11, 2020
9 years at Oliver Wyman | Ex Interviewer | Will provide you with actionable guidance and tips to perform at your best


15% to 25% increase in base, depending on how fast you are progressing, and your seniority (tends to slow down a bit going forward, also because progression become slightly slower in terms of pure notches).

Bonus also depend on your performance, but usually is calibrated so as, given the advancement (say 1 notch), it stays relatively constant as a % of your base. Tends to be a bit higher when you change label (e.g. analyst to associate, to manager etc.) but it really depends on company and geography beyonf these general info I have provided.

Hope it helps!



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Anonymous updated the answer on May 11, 2020


Based on my experience and assuming that gross salary for a junior consultant (e.g. BCG associate) is 100€ (excluding bonus)

  • Associate : 100€
  • Senior Associate : ~135€
  • Consultant : ~170-175€
  • Project Leader : ~260€
  • Principal : ~295€

So for MBB, the gross salary of a Principal can be ~3x the gross salary of an associate. Gaps for bonuses are bigger depending on performance, tenure, ...

Hope it helps.



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replied on Nov 10, 2023
ex Jr. Partner McKinsey |Senior Interviewer| Real Feedback & Free Homework between sessions|Harvard Coach|10+ Experience


In terms of annual salary increases, it's not a consistent year-on-year rise.

Salary bumps are typically tied to promotions, and these promotions tend to happen every 1-2 years. The increase associated with promotions can vary, falling in the range of 20-40k, depending on the specific role change and the country you're based in.

Warm regards,


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Content Creator
replied on Oct 28, 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


Sharing a perspective from both my experience at T2 and MBB

  • Typically, yearly salary increases by inflation (~3-5%)
  • However if you have been promoted to the next rank, that is where the big jump typically happens

Hope this helps to clarify!


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updated an answer on May 11, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Totally disagree with previous answer.

MBB give a yearly salary increase.

For instance, as a BA, the bonus you get in your 1st year is added in the basis salary for your 2nd year, as Senior BA.




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Sidi on May 11, 2020

Yes, this is mostly true for McKinsey. But interestingly not for BCG. This was a very pleasing surprise for me when I switched from BCG to McKinsey. :)

updated an answer on May 11, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


There is a slight annual increase for a 2nd and a 3rd year in each role at least at McKinsey. However, that's less important.

What's more important is how fast you get promoted. Usually, you spend 1-3 years in each role and then you get promoted, which gives you a 1.5-2x increase in salary depending on the role.



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replied on May 11, 2020
150+ interviews | 6+ years experience | Bain, Kearney & Accenture | Exited startup| London Business School

Your bonus changes a lot (and quickly) throughout the ranks. Where analysts tend to receive a ±10% bonus, as a post-MBA you are more likely to get 20-40%. The salary growth itself is steep as you get promoted.

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