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Divide feedback that you have already received into positive, negative, expected and unexpected feedback.
Make use of the feedback matrix!
You failed
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Tell me about a time that you persuaded your boss to go along with an idea you had!
Be very, very specific but don't get lost by describing details about the setting. Focus instead on what you did and why you did it.
You failed
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What advice would you give your 15-year-old self?
Be creative, personal and authentic. Maybe you can connect with the interviewer on a personal level!
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Tell me about a time that you managed upwards
For each personal fit question, you should have at least one backup story ready.
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Are you ready for the long working hours you will face as a future consultant?
Show that you are not only willing to work long hours, but are able to do so with the highest quality standard.
You failed
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What role does money play for you?
The interviewer is looking for your prioritization of money in your decision making.
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What was your biggest defeat so far?
Everybody fails. The tricky part is to craft a failure example that highlights your strengths and abilities.
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What applies more to you: Detail-oriented or visionary?
What the HR guy wants to hear: That depends entirely on the situation. The ideal position is certainly somewhere in the middle.
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What are you not proud of?
Ensure that the matter you are not proud of, is not a critical requirement of the job.
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How would you explain a complex technical issue to a client?
Understand your audience, define your terms and divide your concept into "chunks".
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How would you define flexibility?
Show your willingness and ability to readily respond to changing circumstances and expectations.
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Who do you need as your 'right hand'?
A great candidate knows his strengths and weaknesses and how to build a team to round out capabilities.
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What would you ask me if you were the interviewer?
This question is to test how quickly you can put yourself into someone else's shoes. Be ready to answer the question you will think of yourself!
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Tell me about a time that you changed someone's mind!
Show your personal impact on people and don't forget to mention your motivation. Why was it important that the person changed their mind?
You failed
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Give me an example of a time that you have led a group to achieve a difficult goal!
Leadership doesn't necessarily mean being a supervisor. Organizing various stakeholders, being in charge of a study project, leading your team in a competition – all these examples will make a good story.
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What would team members say about you?
Focus on the personality traits that are important to the job for which you are applying for.
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What are you reading right now?
Most people who love to read also love to learn which is an important quality of a management consultant. Leaders are readers!
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What are the values you live by?
Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.
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What are your expectations?
Be honest, positive, and specific.
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What was the most important lesson you learned in school?
Tell the recruiter about acquired knowledge, learned skills and relevant experiences.
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What has been your most important non-academic success so far?
Avoid cliché answers and choose something that’s specific to you.
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What would you be doing if you weren't in this field?
This question opens the door to what you're interested in outside of work, such as your hobbies and passion.
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Describe a delicate situation in which your personal sensitivity made a difference.
Show that you can handle tricky issues head-on, but with kindness and understanding.
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When was the last time you found an unusual/unconventional solution to a problem?
Show that you work result-oriented and demonstrate your problem-solving skills.
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What is your biggest dream and your biggest fear?
Mention your fears but focus more on elaborating your dreams and aspirations. Positive minds are more likely to be successful!
You failed
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Tell me about a time you failed!
Turn your failure story into something positive that has helped you to take away important learnings.
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Why did you take this degree?
Focus on the skills and experiences you gained from the degree that are most related to the job.
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Which role do you play in a team?
There is no point in pretending something you are not. Consulting firms are not looking for one specific personality type, but rather for people with a clear communication style with whom it's a pleasure to talk to.
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If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you choose?
This question focuses upon the quality that you identify as your biggest personal asset.
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How do you imagine a career with Company X?
Demonstrate that you understand the career path and what you would be doing on a day to day basis.
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Where do you see yourself in five years?
Be honest and specific about your future goals.
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What will be the biggest challenge for you with us (company X)?
You want to appear confident and capable without giving the impression that you think the job will be a breeze.
You failed
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Can you think of a situation where you led a team through a difficult situation / conflict / crisis when you still needed to achieve an important goal together?
Organizing various stakeholders, being in charge of a study project, leading your team in a competition - all these examples will make a good story.
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Tell me about a time when you achieved a difficult goal!
Your story should prove that you set ambitious goals and you are ready to do hard work in order to achieve them.
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When was the last time you had to leave your comfort zone?
Show that you are able to step out of your comfort zone, because in consulting you will need to do so!
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What are you better at than anyone else?
Do you hold a world record of something? Chances are low, so this is a great question to test you on your modesty. Don't compare yourself with others but rather focus on how you want to be a better version of yourself.
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Which is better: Should a boss be loved or feared?
You can emphasize that a boss should be accepted by employees, however, should also be able to make clear announcements.
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What would your dream job be if you could choose any one?
Try not to be too far from what you are applying for!
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What is your greatest professional achievement?
A great way to do this is the S-T-A-R method.
You failed
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Tell me about a complex question and how you solved it?
Understand what types of problems you would be solving in the role. This analysis will help you choose the examples from your past that are most likely to wow your interviewer.
You failed
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What is your ideal vacation?
Are you a thrill-seeker? Family-oriented? Do you prefer to attend conferences and seminars or use a vacation to recharge your batteries? This question provides further insight into your personality.
You failed
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If you could choose to be anywhere on this earth now, where would you be?
Show some of your interest and try to connect with your interviewer on a more personal basis.
You failed
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If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Give a deep and insightful response that leads to a discovery about your needs, responses and behaviours.
You failed
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Which culture attracts you more – structured or entrepreneurial?
What the interviewer is most concerned with is whether or not you are extreme in your desire for structure or flexibility.
You failed
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How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
Talk through your go-to stress-reduction tactics and then share an example of a stressful situation you navigated with ease.
You failed
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What would be the reason why you would have someone on or off a project?
Show that you are able to work in teams, even though some characters might not be your favorite to work with.
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Tell me about a time where you dealt with a difficult member in your team!
Don't complain about your team member, but rather focus on what your role was during the conflict resolution.
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Do you work to live, or do you live to work?
Show that you are aware that the consulting industry is tough and that your job will take up many hours of work. Nevertheless, you can also emphasize that a life besides work is beneficial for everyone involved.
You failed
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What are you particularly proud of?
Focus on moments where you made a contribution to work that really helped out the team.
You failed
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What's a time you exercised leadership?
The best stories include enough detail to be believable and memorable.
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Who has had a decisive influence on your life? How?
Use detailed descriptions and concrete examples to give your counterpart a multi-faceted picture of yourself.
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What are some key lessons you have learned about motivating people?
Leadership is about finding an opportunity and managing people to achieve it.
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How have you applied what you've learned in your career to other roles?
This is a question for experienced hires and tests whether you are able to apply the things you have learned.
You failed
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What would you do if you won the lottery?
It's good when you don't just name luxury goods, but things that are really close to your heart and help you get ahead in a way.
You failed
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What would you do if you were stood up in front of the cinema but had already bought the tickets?
Your answer to this question should show how you deal with unexpected situations in which you have already invested time, money and emotions. Try to find a creative approach and to focus on something positive.
You failed
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What makes a good management consultant?
When interviewers ask this question, they are looking for an understanding of the job and industry and an appreciation for the skills/personality traits needed.
You failed
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How much would you charge to clean all the windows in Seattle?
Try to find either a creative approach or a logical fast-math approach.
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Would you consider yourself spontaneous and humorous? (Answer: Yes) Then tell a joke.
Be authentic and do not let a question like that make you insecure! A good answer can give you personal advantages with the interviewer.
You failed
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What did you learn from the last business book you read?
Your answer will reveal how much you read and your ability to discern key takeaways to apply them to business situations. If it's not a book, but a blog or newspaper article that comes to mind, use that.
You failed
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What can you bring to the company?
Think of this question as going beyond your practical skills and knowledge to what your role tends to be when working in a team.
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If you could be remembered with just one sentence – what would it be?
Show the interviewer that you are able to leave a lasting impression.
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What gets you up every day?
Your interviewer will ask this question to find out how he or she can best motivate and help you, so you can perform well on the job.
You failed
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If you wrote a book/newspaper about your life, what would be the title?
Be creative and think out of the box!
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Tell me about a time you had to make a recommendation without having all the facts.
You should muster up a response that reflects how you handle difficult situations when put to the test.
You failed
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What was a situation where you set a major goal and were able to achieve it?
Don't forget to mention why this goal was important to you personally.
You failed
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What would your friend want to change about you?
This is a question aiming to check if you and your personal environment are aware of your weaknesses, and also how you derive positive outcomes out of it.
You failed
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Describe a situation that demanded sustained, unusually hard work, where others might have thought you couldn’t succeed. Was the experience stressful? If so, how did you handle the stress?
Show that you can react effectively to an increase in workload.
You failed
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How would you calculate the value of a cow?
The interviewer is giving you this brain teaser to see how creatively and innovatively you will solve this problem.
You failed
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Why should we hire you?
Craft an answer that covers three things: You can deliver great results; You'll really fit in with the team and culture; You'd be a better hire than any of the other candidates.
You failed
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Sell me that pencil!
It is important that you do not try to persuade your opponent, but to convince him by making him understand the benefits of the pencil.
You failed
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What does the ideal company look like for you?
Your answer should align your ideal workplace with the employer you're talking to.
You failed
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If you could choose a song to play when you enter a room, what would it be?
The interviewer wants to get a look into your personality and get some interesting information out of you.
You failed
Try to have quick and concise answers!

Tell me about yourself!
This question aims to understand if you have experiences that show the skills you need to be a good consultant. It's important that you don't just read out loud your CV!
You failed
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How would you feel if you had to work for someone who knows less than you?
Show the interviewer that you are open-minded, and that you see other alternatives and potential scenarios in any given scenario, no matter how good or bad it may look.
You failed
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What would be a reason for you to decide against a particular project?
Can you imagine a case you would find it impossible to work with a certain team, a particular industry or field? Make sure to explain why and that this should be a rare scenario.
You failed
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What is your favorite street in Monopoly and why?
Your answer will show the interviewer how you evaluate risk and return.
You failed
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Tell me about a time when you were leading a team and you needed to force someone to work when they didn't want to do it!
Prove that you are a real team player and are able to work with diverse personality types.
You failed
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Where could you prove your creativity?
Talk about a creative process that brought about positive results.
You failed
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Why consulting?
Provide three reasons why you want to pursue a career in a consulting firm.
You failed
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Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Think about where this position could realistically take you, and think about how that aligns with some of your broader professional goals.
You failed
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What is more important, dissent or consensus?
Try to think about this in the context of teamwork or meeting culture. Remember that it is good to have both!
You failed
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Name five personality traits that describe yourself.
Understand your personality and whether these character traits support or hinder you from getting the job.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?
It's good when you don't just name luxury goods, but things that are really close to your heart and help you get ahead in a way.
You failed
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What song best describes your work ethic?
Relax! This is more about the reasons you choose a song than the actual song itself.
You failed
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Tell me about a difficult situation where you had to rely on your communication skills!
Show your interviewer that you are able to support the team and make the work easier for them.
You failed
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Do you have any questions for us?
Your answer should not be related to something you could easily find online.
You failed
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Who is your role model?
This is the opportunity for the interviewer to really get to know you. Give him/her an idea of what your values, beliefs and aspirations are as a person.
You failed
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Tell me about a time you have led a team through a conflict!
Focus more on your skills and how you used them being a leader. Your team is important but the interviewer want to get to know you.
You failed
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Tell me about a time that you did something innovative!
What a great opportunity to show that you stand out among other candidates!
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What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
Think of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve.
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What do you think constitutes successful teamwork?
Effective teamwork is an important aspect of any organisation’s success. You should prove that you understand the importance of it.
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What’s an example of how you helped someone this month?
Think about the last time you helped someone and show that you are a team player.
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Who are the main competitors of company X?
Show that you did your research!
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Why company X?
Show off all of the hard work you have put in learning about the specific firm. Interviewers are a little smug at times and are SURE that their firm is the BEST and they like to hear it.
You failed
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At this point in your life: Would you rather learn or earn money?
Money is important for everyone and you should not ignore its importance. however, you should not make it your first priority. As you will come to learn in your career, opportunities for growth and advancement, in the long run, are more important for your career development.
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Why did you choose this topic for your bachelor thesis/seminar paper?
Time to show your interest within your major – be specific!
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What other firms are you applying for?
Just be open and honest!
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Name three traits a friend or your boss would list about you
Mention character traits that show your capability to perfom well on the job.
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What are you really good at, but never want to do anymore?
Focus on the reasons why you do not want to do the activity anymore and end the answer by explaining how you can implement those skills in a different setting.
You failed
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When did you last tell a lie?
Interviewers use this question to understand your values and highlight any red flags. To claim that you never tell even white lies will be dishonest in itself!
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Tell me about a difficult situation you had to face and how you managed to overcome it!
Show that you are able to solve problems with innovative solutions and exceed expectations.
You failed
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What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Tell something unusual that you have done and won appreciation for.
You failed
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Did you have to make any sacrifices along the way? What lessons have you learned? Knowing what you do now, would you do it again?
Be open and honest about it! As a consultant you have to sacrifice a lot of time and also restrict your private life. Show the interviewer that you are aware of this.
You failed
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If you discover product defects on a day off, would you call the boss?
Here you are asked indirectly whether you want to get personally involved in the company. How important is the progress of the company to you and would you even sacrifice your free time for this?
You failed
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What do you do when you want to have fun?
Choose one of your hobbies, which is related to the job in the company or qualifies you in another way for the job.
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What three things would you take to a desert island?
The interviewer wants to see how spontaneous you are and whether you can react flexibly when a complex task arises.
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Suppose you find out that your employer is doing something illegal – how do you deal with it?
Show your approach to this topic. Are you calm or impulsive? Show your morals and values.
You failed
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What would you do if you won the lottery?
Do you consider the needs of others? How important are reputation, money, material possessions and power to you? This is your chance to explain your values as well as your dreams for the future.
You failed
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What are your greatest professional strengths?
Be accurate and follow up with an example of how you've demonstrated these strengths in a professional setup.
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What is your favorite book and why?
Show a different side of yourself and make yourself more relatable.
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Please describe a situation where your actions had a positive impact on team dynamics.
Show that you are easy to get along with. This is important in almost any work environment.
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What are your hobbies?
This is your chance to find a point in common with your interviewer. In the end, they are looking for someone that they don't mind working together for up to 12 hours a day.
You failed
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What would be a reason not to hire you?
Try not to focus too much on any of your weaknesses but rather on reasons that could be of external nature.
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