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Pharma R&D
Your client is a pharmaceutical company which is worried about the portfolio optimization of their R&D projects.
They hired us to investigate it and help them make the most return of their R&D investments in the short and mid-term (without totally forgetting the long-term horizon).
How would you go about it and what would you recommend the client to do?
Video Solution
Further Questions
Estimate the market of contraceptives in Europe.
Let the interviewee develop a framework on how to calculate this market. There are many ways, therefore be flexible and open-minded for different approaches.
Estimate the market for medicaments for old women in the U.S.
Let the interviewee develop a framework on how to calculate this market. There are many ways, therefore be flexible and open-minded for different approaches.
Note for Interviewer
More questions to be added by you, interviewer!
At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case (to be asked for instance if the next interviewees solve the case very fast).
This case explores the concepts of building a well balanced portfolio using, among others, the BCG matrix as a tool. The interviewee may come to many different conclusions/recommendations.
The case is prepared, however, so that the candidate realizes that the portfolio could be reduced from 4 business units to 3 or maybe 2 which will result into more synergies. The products in each business unit should also be better spread in short-term/long-term projects, high investment/ low investment projects etc.
Since the case is very open-ended, don’t be afraid to spontaneously make up meaningful data (e.g. total revenue last year), but don’t let the interviewee get stuck in calculation details and forget the main objective of the case.
The interviewee should take his time to think of a framework at the beginning of the interview. This framework should be followed and referred to during the whole case, although adaptations to it on the go are welcome if well justified.