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If you wrote a book/newspaper about your life, what would be the title?
Overview of answers
The World According to Mia
The sky is not a limit, I can fly
Alea iacta est - alles fügt sich.
Black duck
How to relax in a snake cafe: Adventures of a timid heart
Jack of all Trades - Masrer of None
The wonderful story of an ordinary person
Came from a small village trying to improve the world to a more sustainable place to live
Unexpected success
Learning And communicating
Mit progressivem Anlauf zum weiten Sprung.
Taking calculated risks
Dream big: Don' let risk of failure stop you
Power of emotions
Atypical Actuarial Girl
Emerging from Failure
Seeking discomfort
Self development across different countries
Learning at each step
Energy Enthusiast
The book of Rah
Me, Myself, and I
The road rarely taken
Overcoming challenges of life
FAIL _ First attempts in learning
success stories of a normal Indian girl
The art of boxing.
From the Kansas farm to Berlin's tech scene - unexpected life outcomes in a globalized economy
strategy of genes
Ambition is key to be lucky