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How does the career ladder look like at EY-Parthenon?

and Bain Bain & Company BCG career progression EY-Parthenon HelpASisterOut McKinsey
New answer on Sep 30, 2021
5 Answers
31.6 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Feb 24, 2020

Could you please write each title down? Thanks


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Anonymous replied on Feb 25, 2020

Hey A,


  1. Assosiate
  2. Senior Assosiate
  3. Consultant
  4. Manager
  5. Vice President
  6. Assosiate Partner
  7. Partner
  8. Director
  9. Executive Director

Hope it helps.



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replied on Sep 30, 2021
Bain | Roland Berger | EY-Parthenon | Mentoring Approach | 30% off first 10 sessions in May| Market Sizing | DARDEN MBA

Hi there,

Until recently I used to work for EY-P.

Titles are:
- Associate
- Consultant
- Manager
- Principal
- Director/Associate Partner
- Partner

There are some variations accross countries (e.g. in some places Principal and Director are about the same), but as a rule these are the correct titles and ranks.

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Content Creator
replied on Feb 25, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching
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Content Creator
replied on Feb 24, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached
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Anonymous B replied on Feb 24, 2020

Why don't you just google this?

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