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SOVA test Bain online assessment

1st round Assessment Bain Bain & Company bain london London needed Online Assessment Online Tests partner
Recent activity on Oct 29, 2018
4 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Oct 26, 2018

Has anyone taken Bain's new online assessment for a London AC position? It's provided by SOVA and lasts 75 minutes.

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Anonymous B replied on Oct 27, 2018

Hi A,

I did the test yesterday for the London AC position. It appears that my test was different to the other comments as I had no business case.

Mine was done by SOVA - 75mins, untimed (although time recorded), but instead:

Personality Test e.g. Most likely and Least likey "I naturally lead within a group" - difficulty lies in the fact all the answers are positive - so it's about which trait to prioritise.

Numerical: More like SHL graphs - no word problems at all and no PST similarities.

Verbal: TRUE/FALSE/Cannot Say SHL style

Logical: SHL Guess the next sequence AND "which pattern follows the same logic" (slightly different type of question). Much harder than any practice ones I did for SHL but would recommend jobtestprep abstract tests in any case to practice.

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Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018

Sorry, I meant business situation to mean what you’d most likely do in a scenario. We did the same test ?

Anonymous C on Sep 07, 2019

Can you tell me more about the personality test e.g., is it timed, how many questions, where can I practice for it and what is it trying to test ? I have to complete my test this sunday and any information will be useful.

replied on Oct 26, 2018
Bain & Co interviewer (~3 years) | MBB-prep focused | Expert: Market Sizing; P&L cases | 50+ coachees at MBB


This is something very new indeed. I had no idea it even existed so I reached out to guys in London and it seems to be in the model of a PST/GMAT.

As expected, they are looking at your quant skills (math, analytics) but also testing your verbal ability (reasoning, logic, reading pace). To practice, I would suggest to maybe do a GMAT test online (you have many for free just google it) and a few PSTs and you're good to go.

My guess is that as it is something new, they are still testing/calibrating it so I don't believe they will put a significant weight on it for now, but I may be wrong.

Any Bainies in London around to share more information on this?


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Anonymous replied on Oct 26, 2018

I've just taken the test last week so can shed some light.

There are 3 sections and they are untimed, although time will be taken into account (i.e. they won't stop you at any period of time, but how long it takes you to complete the test is still factored in). GMAT preparation is the best I've seen for it.

The three sections are numerical reasoning, logic, and business situation.

According to the Bain webinar, the pass threshold is pretty low.

Good luck!

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Dan replied on Oct 29, 2018
Currently interviewing at McKinsey, looking for case study partners

I undertook the same test, here is the format:

The first part of the assessment covers some questions on your behavioural preferences.

The second part of the assessment covers logical, numerical and verbal reasoning.

You will need approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the assessment.

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eddie on Mar 06, 2019

Thanks for your insight. Was the second part combined logic, numerical and verbal or split into sections?
