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Good movies or tv-shows for consultants?
Overview of answers
I would recommend the following:
- Billions (get the idea of meritocracy)
- Suits (get the ideas of corporate dynamics)
- House of lies (get the idea of consulting environment)
- House of cards (get the idea of politics)
Hi Anonymous,
Unfortunately there is no movie or TV-show which fulfills your requirements.
If you are also interested in business movies to gain more insights in an infotainment format, here you can find a good selection:
Hope this helps - if so, please be so kind and give it a thumbs-up with the green upvote button!
Hi there,
I don't think a tv show would help improve any skill :) It's always frustrating when the consultants in "house of lies" end up in the data room and 10 seconds later they find irregularities in the audit reports :) - It's like saying "suits" will make someone a better lawyer :). But both shows are good fun.
If you are serious in becoming the best consultant you can be and you have some free time, then use that to read the news and practice the hard skills needed for consultants (storyboarding, PPT, Excel)
Sorry for being the party pooper here :)
If you're looking for a passive/lazy way to get prepared, stop now.
If you're just loiking for shows consultants like then I would definitely say:
- Mad Men
- Billionares
So far, I have not found any that would:
- Enhance your skillset or teach you anything useful for becoming a consultant
- Even provide a realistic view of what consulting is like
The classical consulting-like american ones, like House of Lies, is a huge exageration that has nothing to do with what I lived.
Hope it helps!
Hi, I recommend watching House of Lies.
Let me know :)
It's not on consulting world, but "The founder" is a nice movie for getting some insights from the business world :)
Actually I don't that there is that will meet you request, but for some lazy brain work time I would recommend you the House of Lies.
I would say same as good movies or tv-shows for non consultants :)
I think consultants are humans like everyone else :):)
Have a great week end