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Gambling Business
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Poker Inc. is currently operating four casinos in Royal City. Competitors are right now planning to open up a rival casino in Kingsville.
Poker Inc. has hired our company in order to assess the consequences of the possible competitor opening and what strategies Poker Inc. should follow.
I. Options - Question 1
First we will start with the more qualitative part of the case.
1. What are Poker Inc.’s options to counteract the possible expansion of the competitors?
II. Consequences - Question 2
Now we can start with the more quantitative part of the case.
2. What are the consequences for the current revenue if a casino opens in Kingsville?
III. Conclusion - Question 3
3. What is your recommendation to Poker Inc. about the strategy?
Video Solution
Further Questions
How could Poker Inc. compensate the lost revenues?
Note for Interviewer
More questions to be added by you, interviewer!
At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case (to be asked for instance if the next interviewees solve the case very fast).
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This case is made to be interviewer-led. Therefore the interviewer should guide the interviewee through the interview. The questions should be read out and shared with the candidate.
The case is split into two parts:
The first part describes more qualitative problems and has more open questions that should make the interviewee think about the problem and its solution.
The second part is more about quantitative problems and calculations. Here the interviewee should try to make his own calculations and solve the questions.