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Format of German Tabular CV Question

Application application process CV CV screening German germany Lebenslauf MBB
New answer on Nov 10, 2023
7 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Sep 30, 2018

Could a German or person who works in Germany help me please? MBB websites say the Lebenslauf needs Tabular Form. I Googled and there are many different examples. Some are simple and boring and are just dates on the left and then the information. Other has kind of boxes with information. And more have a grey column on left with contact information and skills and job/education information in the main white part.

Are they all correct? Is none correct? Or what is better for MBB in Germany? My Lebenslauf now looks like the first picture but no 'About Me' and other information I put. I am a Master's student in Germany but people I ask for help say they do not know consulting business. Thank you for the help, I hope you understand my English.

CV for consulting
What is the right CV format for consulting?
Lebenslauf fürs Consulting

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Anonymous updated the answer on Oct 08, 2018

Hi Anonymous,

I am German, have worked in consulting in Germany and have seen my share of CVs, so I hope I can help.

So first of all: None of the three examples are total no-gos.

I would consider No 2 best / safest. It looks clean and modern, is well structured and you can find everything you're looking for.

No 1 looks good, but you really need to nail the "About me" section and the Skill-Thing with the stars is somewhat superfluous, and also kind of ridiculous to rank your skills on a 10-increments scale.

There's nothing wrong with #3, it's just a bit bloodless and less clean than #2.

Just one hint: The photos for 2 and 3 are no-go though. Suit and dress shirt (and probably tie) for a guy, similar standard for a girl.

Hope this helps.



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Will Dean updated an answer on May 02, 2020

My friend is working in Germany. I will contact him soon. I hope he will read this and answer all your questions.


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Anonymous replied on Apr 30, 2020

Hi A,

I am German/ used to work in different consultancies in Germany before moving to Switzerland.

Go with the 2nd or 3rd option, but make a professional application picture - Bewerbungsphoto.



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replied on Nov 10, 2023
ex Jr. Partner McKinsey |Senior Interviewer| Real Feedback & Free Homework between sessions|Harvard Coach|10+ Experience

All are appropriate! 

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Anonymous replied on Oct 30, 2022


Option 2 but without any picture. Option 2 is the most clear and standard (i.e., easier to digest for the interviewer, HR). 

In general, you want to avoid creative resumes in industries such as consulting, PE, banking.

Hopefully this helps!

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replied on Nov 10, 2021
BCG 1st & Final Round interviewer | Personalized prep with >95% success rate | 7yrs coaching | #1 for Experienced Hires

All of these are ok - suggest to not focus too much on the format but more on the content.

At the end of the day, the format (as long as neat and clean) is secondary. What matters is that you put the right information on it and tailor the messaging / bullets to what consulting firms are looking for (relevant job experience, excellent academics, extracuriculars, international exposure etc).

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replied on May 28, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


To add on top what´s been said, CVs in Enflish don´t contain a picture.



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