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Your client, Fairway, is a manufacturer and supplier of golf balls.
The company is acting globally in almost every market.
They are now planning to expand to Portugal, but they do not have any information about the market there.
Portugal is a small country in western Europe with a population of 11 million people.
The CEO wants to know if they should enter the market and how they should do it.
I. Background - Question 1
1. How would you analyze the market and approach the strategic issues of the market?
II. Market - Question 2
2. Instead of using salespeople, what other ways can you think of to enter the market?
II. Market - Question 3
3. How would you calculate the market size of golf balls in Portugal?
III. Costs - Question 4
4. Based on the provided data, would it be feasible to enter the market?
IV. Conclusion - Question 5
5. If you have to report to the CEO right now, what would you tell him/her?
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This case is made to be interviewer-led. Therefore, the interviewer should guide the interviewee through the interview.
The case is split into two parts.
The first part describes more qualitative problems and has more open questions that should make the interviewee think about the problem and its solution.
The second part is more about quantitative problems and calculations. Here the interviewee should try to make his own calculations and solve the questions.
The questions in the big boxes should be read out and shared with the candidate.