>> Link to additional profile information <<
First, please click here for additional information about my coaching!
>> McKinsey offers without final round interviews <<
Many people will tell you that there is no way to land a McKinsey offer without running through final round interviews - and I have proven them wrong already multiple times and secured McKinsey offers for my coaching candidates even without final round interviews! (ok - to be 100% accurate also technically: those candidates also had final round interviews with a partner - but the only discussion was about the McKinsey contract, since their case interview and PEI performance was outstanding enough to not 'waste' additional partner time for confirming what they knew already before).
Just a few real-life examples from successful candidates:

For my coaching candidates I am also offering up to 30% discount on my proprietary ebooks as well as from another ex-McKinsey consultant and provide free excerpts during coaching session if reasonable:
- The Ultimate McKinsey PEI Prep
- Case Interview Frameworks
- The McKinsey Case Book (20% discount as external content)
>> 100% risk-free coaching <<
And: I can offer you a bold guarantee since I am coaching MBB candidates already for 10+ years and since quality is always over quantity in my coachings: Unless we find significant improvements to your case interview or McKinsey PEI performance, the coaching session will be 100% FREE for you - and I will arrange a refund via PrepLounge immediately at the end of our coaching session while you are still on the line. (Additional hint: please make sure you don't confuse quantity with quality and your value-added when choosing your experts).
>> What we will cover in a coaching session and how we will do it <<
I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach with run-of-the-mill schemes. All my coachings are 100% personalized and take into consideration your specific individual situation.
A key issue I see with most candidates and many other coaches is a narrow focus on solely a few components out of many. More often than not, only personal fit interview, case interviews, market sizing and brainteasers are covered. Those are important components for sure - however, it's a too simplistic approach for a highly demanding role like a consultant. Therefore I cover in my holistic coaching approach many more areas as demonstrated in the graphic below [blurred for IP protection; obviously I will share all those components in my coaching sessions]. In combination with the before-mentioned basics, covering all those areas make my coaching candidates truly superior with an outstanding performance in their interviews.

Therefore, it's easy to answer what we will cover in a coaching session: It is whatever adds the most value to your prep at any given moment.
Typically, most candidates focus on (McKinsey) case interview prep - in this case, we will have a (McKinsey-style) case interview. Depending on your current level on performance, this case interview will be either run as a mock-interview, or more like a coaching-style session to explain the most important issues and fatal mistakes candidates make along the way, so that you don't need to learn it the hard way.
Time-wise, the case interview itself will usually last only around 25-40 minutes (depending on the case and on your specific focus/requirements). What might surprise you is that the feedback session after the case will consume roughly the same amount of time (so another 25 to 40 minutes), since we will recap the whole case interview in great detail from start to end - so that you know what was going well and therefore should keep it up, which aspects you need to imrpove and change, and even more importantly how to do it correctly.
Apart from the case interview, I am also coaching lots of candidates specifically on the McKinsey Personal Experience Interview (McKinsey PEI). Actually most candidates fail to get an offer from McKinsey not because of their case interview performance, but because of their PEI performance, and this is for sure the most underestimated part of the McKinsey recruiting process.
Please be prepared that you will receive 100% honest and brutal feedback. My job is to prepare you for your interviews and successful offers, and not to pamper your ego and make you feel comfortable. If you don't like this idea, it's probaby better if our paths will not cross. I am not telling this to make you afraid - but unfortunately more often than not, candidates think that they are well-prepared based on other coaches' or peer feedback - until they run a realistic case interview with me and understand the real-world performance expectations of MBB interviews.
>> Administrative issues <<
In principle I am available 24/7, however I am usually very well booked in the short-term. To best accommodate to your schedule, the earlier we get in contact, the better (ideally it's ~1-2 weeks in advance).
Having said that, my schedule occassionally changes in the short-term, so that additional free slots are available. So just le me know your preferences and I will do whatever is possible to make it happen.